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Brother Arthur Garnes. An Example to Follow

Uplook. Jul-Aug 2012: June 2012 marked the 100th anniversary of his birth, a milestone he almost reached. Submitted by the saints at Rockville Bible Fellowship, Maryland.

Dr. Arthur L. Garnes distinguished himself in the world’s eyes as a consummate gentleman who excelled throughout undergraduate and medical school, going on to become America’s first black plastic surgeon. But for those of us who knew him as believers, that was just the beginning of his greatness. The consensus of those of us in fellowship in the same assembly is that he was the most gracious, capable, humble, courteous, steadfast, and encouraging brother we have had the blessing of knowing.

Born in New York City on June 13, 1912 (shortly after the sinking of the Titanic), Arthur Garnes was raised in a godly family where his father had a Bible reading after supper every night, and his mother taught he and his siblings hymns and Bible lessons at home. His parents also belonged to, and helped found, Grace Gospel Chapel in Harlem.

Brother Garnes was saved at age six and, as a child, listened to the Bible studies held in his home. “It sounded like those men were eating ice cream, they enjoyed the Scriptures so much.” In response, his childhood prayer was that God would give him that same joy and understanding of the Word. God answered that prayer, as well as another, at age 10 when he asked that he would be enabled to be a teacher of God’s Word. He was asked to “give a word” at age 11, and, at 14, he had his first opportunity to speak in the open air. At 20, he recognized that the Lord was answering his prayers, and, at 22, his brother William was saved in response to his preaching.

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